Click on the blue regions to view the FIDU committees and federated associations


The members of FIDU can organize themselves into local committees, consisting of a minimum of five effective members, with the authorization of the national President in a territorial area corresponding to a municipality or a province. The local committees carry out activities inspired by the purposes of FIDU in compliance with its Statute. They self-fund their activities and they may have their own internal rules, provided that these are not in violation of FIDU’s Statute. They can also set up free-assistance desks for the protection of individual rights in their area.

In their first meeting, the local committees appoint the following offices, which last three years:
the President,
the Secretary,
the Treasurer.

At the end of each year, the Presidents of the local committees send to the national Treasurer a statement of income and expenses of their committee, for which they are responsible.


Associations and groups that pursue their own purposes attributable to those of FIDU, and not in contrast with them, can join FIDU to conduct certain initiatives of common interest. The federation of these associations and groups does not entail the registration to FIDU of their members or individual participants. The period of federation can be indefinite or limited in time and determined in advance.

The federation is created on the basis of agreements between the governing bodies of associations or groups and the bodies of FIDU, for which the agreements are concluded by the President and ratified by the Board of Directors. The agreements specify the amount and the methods of payment of any financial contribution to FIDU by the association or group that is affiliated, the commitments of mutual support, the forms and the extent of the representation of the associations and federated groups in the bodies of FIDU.