FIDU, together with the Open Dialogue Foundation and the Global Committee for the Rule of Law, has signed a letter addressed to Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament in support of strengthening the new European Union’s sanctions regime with more Magnitsky-style tools.

The signatories have long made the case for Magnitsky sanctions to be adopted by the EU (learn more about our campaign), and they welcome the creation of the Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime (GHRSR). This is a first step in the right direction, yet more can and must be done: a resolution of the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs committee offers a historic chance to truly give the EU the tools it needs to fight authoritarianism worldwide.

The signatories request the Members of the European Parliament to seize this opportunity to include grand corruption among the crimes covered by the GHRSR; to make the sanctions listing process less vulnerable and more resilient, by adopting Qualified Majority Voting and allowing MEPs and civil society to participate in it; to promote cooperation with like-minded democracies in this field; to establish a protection and support mechanism for activists and whistleblowers in dangerous countries.

Building upon their experience, the signatories believe these recommendations to be fundamental elements of a stronger, fully efficient sanctions regime that will allow the EU to stand up for its values on the world stage.

Download the letter addressed to the MEPs