Support FIDU!
Gross violations of human rights occur both under authoritarian regimes, where legitimacy is just an illusion, and within states which are formally democratic but are responsible for systematic rights violations.
The international community has the duty to tackle such violations, and it has the necessary tools to do this. Freedom and democracy are the two fundamental principles which must be brought again to the centre of the attention.
The Italian Federation for Human Rights (FIDU) cannot restore everyone’s dignity, hope and trust, but it is committed to reinforce the rule of law and the individual freedoms within the countries and contexts where it operates, to provide people with appropriate instruments to defend their rights, and to give activists enough room for actions.
You can support FIDU with your subscription:
Ordinary member € 50,00
Young member (less than 25 y.o.) € 15,00
Supporter member more than € 50,00
Payments can be made:
- in cash,
- via Paypal
- via bank transfer to: Fed.ne Italiana Diritti Umani – IBAN IT 82 O 01030 03241 000000115571
By becoming a member, you authorize FIDU to fairly process your
personal data, in accordance with Italian legislation (LGS 196/03).
Or you can choose to make a donation via:
- Paypal
- Bank transfer to: Fed.ne Italiana Diritti Umani – IBAN IT 82 O 01030 03241 000000115571